changes to employment law

April 2017

A number of important changes to employment law come into operation in April 2017.

National minimum wage increases

From 1 April 2017, new national minimum wage rates come into operation. These are as follows:-

  1. For those aged 25 or over, £7.50 per hour.
  2. For those between 21 and 24, £7.05 per hour.
  3. For those between 18 and 20, £5.60 per hour.
  4. For those under 18, £4.05 per hour.
  5. For apprentices, £3.50 per hour.

Apprenticeship levy

From 6 April 2017, all employers with an annual wage bil of £3million or more will be required to pay an apprenticeship levy of 0.5% of their wage bill.

Gender pay gap reporting

From 6 April 2017, reporting on gender pay gap will be compulsory for private sector and voluntary organisations employing 250 or more people

News Updates

Settlement Agreements

  • 24 April 2023
  • Giles Woolfson

The Employment Appeal Tribunal has made an important decision in the case of Bathgate v Technip UK Ltd regarding whether future cl...

National Minimum Wage Increases

  • 14 April 2023
  • Giles Woolfson

As of 1 April 2023, the new National Minimum Wage rates are in force. The new increased rates are: Age 23+ (The National Living Wag...

Updates to the Vento Bands from 6 April 2023

  • 03 April 2023
  • Giles Woolfson

If someone succeeds in a discrimination claim, they will normally be entitled to compensation for injury to feelings.  This is intended to compens...